Sunday, 8 May 2011

New BPA Blog

British Patriotic Alliance
The British Patriotic Alliance has joined Blogspot so we can spread our message further.  We oppose all enemies of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

We regard the dual threat of militant islam, mainly in the form of 'Muslims Against Crusades' (formerly known as 'Islam4UK') and Irish republicanism as the greatest threat to our land in these troubled times.  We also feel immigration has far exceeded what our nation is capable of economically sustaining as we see millions without work as economic migrants enter this country sharing houses, and so sharing household bills and thus driving down massively the wages at which they can survive at.  Ordinary families with full bills to pay cannot anywhere near compete.

This country is heading to social, economic and civil upheaval as the government fail to address the concerns of millions of people.  Millions have voted in elections and have not one member of parliament to represent them due to boundary choices and poor electoral systems.  The 'alternative vote' system recently voted on would have been even worse.

These problems are not going to go away without major changes in the way our nation is governed.  We need to come out of the communist style European debacle and get our house in order as an urgent priority.  Yes we need military alliances and trading partners but the price Europe demands via the massive loss of our freedoms and wealth is too high.  The USA and Commonwealth will trade with us if Europe will not, but Europe will trade with us because it needs to, and will need to more once we withdraw the massive amounts of cash they are squeezing from our already impoverished economy.

They will hear from us.


  1. Good to hear about this group, I agree with all you have said so far

  2. This group is wild they even go camping
